Annual subscriptions are available

TerrainWorks (NetMap) advanced analysis tools with digital landscapes can be accessed by annual subscriptions (or simply purchased). The analysis tools reside within ESRI Arc GIS software (ArcMap). Thus, NetMap needs to keep current with almost annual ArcMap upgrades, otherwise NetMap's tools and databases will no longer function properly. In addition, NetMap's system must be constantly upgraded to reflect program fixes, database repairs, new digital data, tool updates and new tools. Support, website maintenance and other infrastructure are also required. Users are asked to pay a modest annual Support and Maintenance fee to keep the NetMap system running and to provide for incorporation of new science and technology.
Annual Support and Maintenance Subscription includes:
A key component,usually lacking in agency funding, is ensuring the long term sustainability of software based decision support systems, like NetMap. Agency and NGO fiscal governance is not designed to guarantee continuous funding for maintenance and support of decision support software  (Curtice et al. 2012).  Although top-down agency funding can contribute to developing decision support for a large range of resource use and conservation applications, numerous stakeholders (federal, state, county, and city agencies and the private sector) subsequently provides the bottom-up funding to maintain the system over the long term, including keeping it updated with interacting commercial software, digital data, new science, models, software repairs and updates, and support.
Authored with help of Dr.Explain