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Road Density-Individual Hillslopes

Step Wise Guide
ยท Which hillsides have the highest road density in your watershed?
The density of roads (miles per square mile or kilometer per square kilometer) is often considered a proxy for watershed cumulative effects. Road density, in NetMap, can be calculated at the scale of subbasins within a digital landscape or NetMap watershed dataset, or at the scale of individual hillsides, referred to as drainage wings (approximately 0.1 km2 in area). In the latter case, road density can be represented in individual channel segments, reflecting the hillside adjacent road occurrence.
Step 1: Go to  NetMap Road Modue > Road Density > Segment Scale/Routed.  Follow the instructions provided in this tool; options include mi/mi2 and km/km2. To view the road density for individual drainage wings located on both sides of the channel, go to the Basic Tool Module, go to Maps, then choose the "Road Cateogry", and then from the drop down list, select either Road Density/segment, left or Road Density/segment, right. Left/right looking upstream.